2014 - PCMH1C

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The following information and services are provided to patients/families/ caregivers, as specified, through a secure electronic system.

1.C.1 More than 50 percent of patients have online access to their health information within four business days of when the information is available to the practice.

Refer to the "Timely Online Access" measure in the "Modified Stage 2" version of the PCC EHR Meaningful Use Report. Choose the "Aggregate" report layout to see a report including patients seen by all providers.

PCC EHR practices that have been registered to use PCC's patient portal functionality, My Kid's Chart, have the ability to give patients portal access. All patients given portal access within four business days of the first visit during the reporting period (or who already have portal access at the time of the visit) will qualify in the numerator for this measure. Information including lab results, problem list, medication lists, and allergies are all available in the portal immediately after the visit has been completed.

PCC's portal solution is designed to be immediately accessible using the patient's smartphone. Smartphone access to the portal from the checkin or checkout window improves portal adoption considerably.

1.C.2 More than 5 percent of patients view, download, or transmit their health information to a third party.

Refer to the "View, Download, Transmit" measure in the "Modified Stage 2" version of the PCC EHR Meaningful Use Report. Choose the "Aggregate" report layout to see a report including patients seen by all providers.

To qualify for this measure, patients seen during the reporting period must log in to the portal at least once to view, download, or transmit their health information.

1.C.3 Clinical summaries are provided within 1 business day for more than 50 percent of office visits.

Refer to the "Clinical Summaries" measure in the "Stage 2" version of the PCC EHR Meaningful Use Report. Choose the "Aggregate" report layout to see a report including patients seen by all providers.

Clinical summaries are automatically provided to patients with portal access, so those patients will automatically report in the numerator for this measure if they were seen during the reporting period. The "Patient Visit Summary" report can be printed for patients without portal access.

1.C.4 A secure message was sent by more than 5 percent of patients.

Refer to the "Secure Electronic Messaging" measure in the "Modified Stage 2" version of the PCC EHR Meaningful Use Report. Choose the "Aggregate" report layout to see a report including patients seen by all providers.

To meet this measure, patients seen during the reporting period need to send at least one secure message to the practice via the patient portal. For more details, refer to PCC's documentation on sending secure messages from My Kid's Chart.

1.C.5 Patients have two-way communication with the practice.

PCC clients can get auto credit for this factor since PCC's Patient Portal allows for two-way communication between patients/families and the practice.

1.C.6 Patients can request appointments, prescription refills, referrals and test results.

Description Example/Screenshot/Documentation Source Date Added
Description of how PCC's Patient Portal allows for patient request for appointments or Rx refills Document describing PCC Patient Portal functionality PCC 07/03/14